Sunday, August 28, 2011

What? Your Birthday was LAST Week?

Teacher Gift
Last Monday was the first day back to school for my little man.  He came home very excited and loving 2nd grade.  In the middle of our daily, "Who did you sit with at lunch? What was your favorite activity" chat he casually mentions that last week was his teacher's birthday.  It was on meet-the-teacher night.  I am not feeling guilty for not giving a gift.  I mean, we didn't even know she was his teacher until that night so how could we have prepared?  But, I could not let the event pass without doing something for her.  This week's Frugal Tuesday Tip is a frugal teacher gift.

Popcorn Bowl, Popcorn, & Candy
It just so happens that when we were thrift store shopping on Saturday I came across a really lovely popcorn bowl.  It was not one of those cheap plastic ones.  Not that there is anything wrong with those!  This was a lovely buttery yellow color ceramic bowl with embossed letters spelling "popcorn" across the side.  It had a tag of $5 on it which was a bit much for my thrift store budget.  Good news! It was half off day so I got it for a measly $2.50.  Now THAT is more like it!  We stopped at the dollar store on the way home and picked up three kinds of movie theater type candy ($1 each) and a box of microwave popcorn.  I don't remember the price on the popcorn, but it was maybe $2.  I had some red and white tissue paper and ribbon at the house already as well as scrap paper for a card. In the card I wrote, "Your birthday popped up on us and caught us by surprise.  We hope it was fantastic!"  Little man wrote her a very sweet note and we put it all together. 

Little man is as happy as can be getting to take this gift to his teacher.  And, I am even happier that I spent less than $10 for a teacher gift that I am proud of.

  • bowl = $2.50
  • popcorn = $2
  • candy = $3
  • tissue paper = FREE (recycled from other gifts)
  • ribbon = FREE (well, I am sure I paid something for it years ago when I bought it)
  • paper/card = FREE  from my stockpile (again, probably bought it fairly cheap years ago)
Total = $8.50 (plus tax)
Popcorn Bowl Gift

Linked to:
Ginger Snap Crafts
Creating Really Awesome Free Things
Learning the Frugal Life
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Today's Creative Blog
Coastal Charm
Sugar Bee Crafts
Tip Junkie
We are That Family
The Thrifty Home
Beyond the Picket Fence
Momnivore's Dilemma
The Shabby Creek Cottage 
The Shabby Nest


  1. Aww, this is SUCH a sweet idea!!! I bet she loved it! I would! :)

  2. Thanks! My son said she really liked it. Yay! :-)

  3. Great project.

  4. Very thrifty! :) I LOVE that popcorn bowl!!!

  5. I love that bowl, too. It was a little hard to give it up. ;-)

  6. That is so cute! I bet his teacher loved it!

  7. Cute gift! Thanks for visiting my blog. Couldn't find your email to reply. Hope you get to make the seashell tiles!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  8. Don't you just love those gifts when they come together like that. Way cute and I'm sure she loved it!

  9. so cute!

    would love it if you could share this post on my new link party, Serenity Saturday, over at


  10. I just love popcorn bowls. Cute that you filled it with fun treats. I'm sure his teacher was pleased....

    If you have a moment today, please share this with my readers @Creative Juice Thursday. Hope to see you there!

  11. Thanks for stopping by, Nicolette! I just popped over to your place and I am enjoying looking around. Nice to make new friends. :-)

  12. I just love it when the kids love school and their teachers so much that they want to have gifts for them. This is a great fast and easy idea!
