Saturday, August 20, 2011

Homemade Christmas Gift Idea - The Art Caddy

In my quest to save money I am planning to make a few things for Christmas this year.  I know it is only August, but if I want to have a frugal Christmas, this girl has to get on with the planning NOW.

While visiting a new friend's site, Simple Sewist, I saw the cutest little Art Caddy.  Oh yes - my girl must have this.

My little princess will be turning three in October and this girl is all about the arts and crafts.  Several times a day she is inspired to pull out the crayons or markers and create.  Luckily she has contained her creations to paper and not the walls. I take it back...there was that incident with the dining room table. Does anyone know how to get green marker off of a pine wood table?

Anyway, I can totally make this!  I am pretty sure I already have all the materials in my sewing room and it doesn't look too difficult to make.  A quick web search (using Swag Bucks search tool, of course) showed a number of patterns you can buy.  I think I am going to see if I can create this without a pattern.  Stay tuned!


  1. Oh, yes. I'm with you. I want to make this for my niece for Christmas. I actually have it cut out, but haven't sewn it together yet. I am currently in the middle of sewing her a coat for her birthday. I'm hoping to have that finished this week.

    I'd love to see a post when you finish making this project. I'll endeavor to post one, too, hey?

    Congrats on your blogging. I've been away from the computer a bit, trying to get my work under control, and I come back to see you've been very busy! I'm trying to catch up. It's all very interesting. Thanks, Jen.

  2. Thanks for the kind words. I look forward to seeing your pics and I will post mine as well.
