Sunday, August 21, 2011

Food Waste Friday - Challenge!

Click here to join us at The Frugal Girl
Yes, I know it is Sunday.  But, I stumbled upon a fantastic blog "Food Waste Friday" at The Frugal Girl and I am feeling so inspired that I just have to share!  I try really hard to budget well and plan our meals and snacks.  But, I have been prone to whimsy and the leftover baked chicken I planned for dinner just doesn't sound as appealing as, say, a plate of nachos. I buy a big tub of yogurt (because everyone knows it is cheaper than all the little individual servings) and then I promptly forget it is hiding in the back of the fridge.  When I come across these random science projects I am a combination of grossed out, embarrased, and frustrated at the wasted money.  The Frugal Girl was experiencing much the same thing and decided to TAKE ACTION.

Every week she posts a picture of the food that has gone bad over the week. She figured that being accountable for the waste would help decrease it...and it did!  It was so successful that she invited others to join her.  Can you believe she has been doing this for three years?!?  I am going to take the plunge and reveal all my (food) skeletons.  As The Frugal Girl says, "save money, reduce your trash output, and get a little publicity for your blog!"  So, grab your big ol' rubber gloves, gas mask, garbage bags, and a camera.  Let's do this!
Click here to join us at The Frugal Girl
While you are there you should take a few minutes to look around.  I admire this blog quite a bit and think you will, too.

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