Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School

I vividly remember the first day I was home alone with my first baby.  We sat in the rocker in the living room and I would spend hours just staring at him.  I could not put him down.  I remember looking out the window and seeing a school bus go by.  Seeing the bus made this hormonal mama just break down sobbing.  How would I ever be able to let go of him and send him to school? 

Yesterday was the first day of school.  Second grade already?  Where did the time go?  For the last three years as I dropped off my son at school on the first day back my mind has drifted back to that memory. And, I choke back the tears.  Don't cry, Jen.  Don't start crying in the school.  Wait until you get to the car.  You can do this!

This year little man ran off into his classroom without so much as a glance back at his mom. Such a big boy all excited about a new school year.  I had to remind him to come give me a goodbye hug. Later that night, he curled up next to me on my bed and fell asleep holding my hand. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, little man. This mama is just not ready.


  1. I SO know what you mean. You want them to grow and evolve but...how about really slowly :)
