Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day Two

Day two of being an official blogger and I am as excited as a kindergartner on the first day of school with a new pack of crayons. crayons.  I love that new crayon smell. I can only imagine how excited I will get if I ever actually get a stalker follower. I might  be just so doggone excited I will drive over to your house and bring you an apple pie. 

That will use up gas.
And money.
And I am supposed to be saving money right now. 
Ok, forget the pie.

That is too bad because I am a flippin' good cook and you would have loved my homemade apple pie.  Oh well.  Dare to stay tuned and I just might send you the recipe.

Anyone out there?  <crickets chirping>

Well, I do want to share what kinds of things you might hear me blog about.  My main purpose for this blog is to journal my journey to become debt free.  You will definitely see posts about money and my relationship with it. In the next week I plan to log our debt and my plan to tackle it. I will keep you posted on this journey and you can see my successes and failures. 

But, my debt is not what defines me.  There are so many things I am interested in other than personal finance.  You will see my process for getting debt free while minimizing the need to sacrifice on the things I love.  What are those things?  I am so glad you asked. I love my family, my job (most days), and most things domestic.  Generally speaking, that includes cooking, sewing, taking care of my home, and organizing.  I can be a little OCD sometimes about the organizing thing.  I love to have parties (especially birthday parties for my kids). I am a christian and my relationship with God is important.  You will hear my thoughts about that, too.  I will share with you things I find on this beautiful world wide web that help me to do these things frugally, but still have quality results.  I won't promise you that I will be the most "original" blogger out there, but you will find me to be very down to earth and real. You won't find me sitting elegantly in the parlor sipping tea with my pinkie out.  You will find me in the kitchen with my hair in a ponytail, comfy sweats on, with at least one kid pulling on my leg to tattle about what the other kid threw at them. So come on in, pull up a chair, move the art projects and crayons aside and plop down your coffee (or other assorted tasty beverage).  Welcome new friend.


  1. It's a real shame you've backed out of the apple pie. It's my favourite, but you would have had a hard (and expensive) time getting it to Australia!

  2. Sorry, I got too keen and hit the publish button too early. I meant to also say, congratulations for starting your new blog. I, too, sew and am interesting in using our family's money wisely. I'm interested to read your next posts! Good luck.

  3. Sigh...I suppose it would be an expensive trip. But, boy would it be fun! Thanks for sharing your comments. I do love to sew, especially for my little girl. As I go I will post projects here. I will check out your sewing blog as well. I am just a baby blogger, but already I have so many ideas. I am excited to see where this takes me. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hey there, I've got a versatile blogger award waiting for you over at adventures...
