Friday, September 2, 2011

Food Waste Friday - Week 2

Every week I post about a cool challenge over on The Frugal Girl called Food Waste Friday.  The premise is simple, you take a picture of whatever food went to waste for the week and maybe a few notes about what it is and why it was wasted.  Don't we all just love a good excuse?  The reason is not to gross folks out with garbage bag contents, but to hopefully minimize the amount of waste since we don't want to be embarrassed by it.  Humiliation can be a big motivator!

Food Waste Friday at The Frugal Girl

Oh, this is just embarassing.  Last week I felt all "look at me. I barely have anything wasted. I am so awesome."  Well, that is what I get for being so snooty.  This week is utter humiliation!

Food Waste Friday - Week 2

The Players
  1. A full (FULL) loaf of bread. Unopened.  This bad boy was hiding in the back.  I never keep bread in the fridge, so I don't know what came over me.  Somehow this baby didn't get in the picture, but you know what a loaf of bread looks like, right?
  2. Leftover marinated chicken.  This was tasty.  I use Allegro Marinade and it is fabulous (and Gluten Free). I am an idiot for not eating every last bite of this. 
  3. Leftover rice (that went with the chicken).  Seriously, what in the world?
  4. Grapes.  Somehow it is just hard for me to eat the last little ones in the bowl. 
  5. The last of the mashed potatoes.  Oh for pete's sake...I flippin' love tators.  No reason to ignore this.
Oh geez I blew it this week.  Hanging. Head. In. Shame.


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  1. Haha, I love that your food is talking to you! ;)
    Don't worry, maybe next week will be better!
    You could always throw the chicken and rice together in the freezer for another meal sometime. I just figured that one out myself recently. :)

  2. You mean your food doesn't talk to you? :-) The chicken and rice does sound tasty. I should have done that before it sat too long. I am weird about not eating cooked food after the third day in the fridge. I always worry it will be bad.
