Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Swagbucks Wednesday Update

I do Swagbucks to save money for Christmas!  I use Swagbucks as my default search engine and earn points.  I also particpate in polls and watch some videos.  For my efforts I am rewarded with points that I can redeem for Amazon gift cards.  I started this project in June/July 2011.  My goal is to earn $130 worth of Amazon gift cards in time to order Christmas presents for my kids.  Each week I will update with my progress.  Read more about Swagbucks here.  Sign up for Swagbucks here.

GoGo Squeeze

Have you tried GoGo Squeez?  I will confess that when I first spotted a big display of this stuff at Walmart I thought, "what a ridiculous idea."  My son begged, pleaded, and practically got on his knees whimpering to "just try it".  Uhm, it is just applesauce.  What is the big deal?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Out, Darn Virus. Out!

My apologies for my recent absence.  I had grand ambitions for all the blogging I was going to do over the holiday weekend.  Alas, my computer must have been playing with the wrong crowd because it came down with a nasty virus.  Everything....Every. THING. Was. Gone.  *GASP* I just got it back and now I am catching up on all the wonderful blogs everyone has posted. I have a few projects I am working on for little girl's upcoming birthday party so hopefully I can get those posted this weekend.  I am so excited about her party.  I will give you a small hint: pink, pink, pink!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Food Waste Friday - Week 2

Every week I post about a cool challenge over on The Frugal Girl called Food Waste Friday.  The premise is simple, you take a picture of whatever food went to waste for the week and maybe a few notes about what it is and why it was wasted.  Don't we all just love a good excuse?  The reason is not to gross folks out with garbage bag contents, but to hopefully minimize the amount of waste since we don't want to be embarrassed by it.  Humiliation can be a big motivator!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Aw Shucks! The Versatile Blogger!?!

Here I was feeling a wee bit insecure about my wee little baby blog, when I am bestowed the honor of the Versatile Blogger Award.  Aw shucks, now!  A big ol' thank you to my new friend, adventuresindinner.