Sunday, September 23, 2012

Leftovers (AKA Encore Performances)

Today was one of those lovely sit under a tree with a glass of sweet tea kind of days. By the time the kids and I bedgrudginly came inside, it was well past time to make dinner. I don't do a good job of planning ahead. Many times leftovers go to waste because, well, I don't want them. I know. I know. That is an expensive habit I am trying to break.

We had some leftover chicken breasts that were just fine but I didn't want to have the same thing again. I happen to notice a bottle of barbecue sauce that was about to expire. Hmm...Ok, that will work.

I chopped up the chicken really fine. No real reason. I just felt all "choppy" I guess. I cooked that with a bit of butter and olive oil. Probably unnecessary, but I don't like dry leftover chicken and we don't do low fat around here anyway. When it was cooked all the way (reheated, really) I added some barbecue sauce. I served that with rice and a side of broccoli (with butter and parmesan cheese). The kids loved it. Not too bad for a last minute dinner.

I would add a picture, but, well....I ate it all before I thought to take one. Ooops!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back in the Saddle

I was just thinking the other day about all the projects I have going and that I should take pictures for the blog. Oh yeah. Then I remembered I have been neglecting the blog. I have not posted in several months. I make no excuses. Life is busy and frankly I have few "followers" so I was not really letting anyone down. Then I remembered the reason I started the blog: Me. I enjoy jotting down my ponderings and capturing my projects. So here we go.....back at it again.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Want "S'more" Cake Bars

Finished S'More Cake Bars
My little man had to come up with a dessert that he could (mostly) make by himself to take to the Blue and Gold Banquet.  This is a big deal banquet done each year to celebrate the birthday of the Boy Scouts.  Our Den decided to go with a camping theme.  What goes better with camping than s'mores?!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pink Labels to Organize Daughter's Room

The Toy Storage
Can I just start with, holy moly my daughter has alot of stuff.  Wait. ALOT of stuff.  We are getting ready to move and over the last few months I have been systematically sorting, purging, and organizing.  I confess I put off my sweet princess's room because of the shear VOLUME of things.  Doll things. Barbie things. Play food things. Books. Puzzles. Random treasures from beloved fast food empires.  Where to begin?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life Changes

It has been two months since I last posted.  This crazy little thing called "life" kind of got in the way a bit.  My personal life has gotten a wee bit chaotic and I have had to put this little hobby of mine on hold. 

My husband and I are getting a divorce.  :-(  He moved out in October and this single mom stuff is, well, hard work!
Our lease is up in April and I have been trying to figure out what I think would be best for the kids.  I am not in a position to buy a house just yet.  I really don't want to take my kiddo out of his school, but I also can't afford to stay in my house.  So, it has been a whirlwind of looking for a new place and getting the household ready for a move.  I am a big planner when it comes to moves and I am determined to simplify our things before then.  I have been ruthless in sorting our possessions and if we don't need it or love goes! I actually have some ideas about some blogs I could do about the process I have been going through, so stay tuned.  I may be down, but I am not out.

Peace and love,
Debt Free Jen