Sunday, September 23, 2012

Leftovers (AKA Encore Performances)

Today was one of those lovely sit under a tree with a glass of sweet tea kind of days. By the time the kids and I bedgrudginly came inside, it was well past time to make dinner. I don't do a good job of planning ahead. Many times leftovers go to waste because, well, I don't want them. I know. I know. That is an expensive habit I am trying to break.

We had some leftover chicken breasts that were just fine but I didn't want to have the same thing again. I happen to notice a bottle of barbecue sauce that was about to expire. Hmm...Ok, that will work.

I chopped up the chicken really fine. No real reason. I just felt all "choppy" I guess. I cooked that with a bit of butter and olive oil. Probably unnecessary, but I don't like dry leftover chicken and we don't do low fat around here anyway. When it was cooked all the way (reheated, really) I added some barbecue sauce. I served that with rice and a side of broccoli (with butter and parmesan cheese). The kids loved it. Not too bad for a last minute dinner.

I would add a picture, but, well....I ate it all before I thought to take one. Ooops!

1 comment:

  1. The chicken sounds good. It reminds me of something we do sometimes. If you want a really fast dinner, put frozen chicken tenders in the microwave with some BBQ sauce on them. Zap or steam some vegetables and maybe a little rice and your good to go. While the chicken is far from being gourmet, it's not bad. Especially when your tired.
