Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life Changes

It has been two months since I last posted.  This crazy little thing called "life" kind of got in the way a bit.  My personal life has gotten a wee bit chaotic and I have had to put this little hobby of mine on hold. 

My husband and I are getting a divorce.  :-(  He moved out in October and this single mom stuff is, well, hard work!
Our lease is up in April and I have been trying to figure out what I think would be best for the kids.  I am not in a position to buy a house just yet.  I really don't want to take my kiddo out of his school, but I also can't afford to stay in my house.  So, it has been a whirlwind of looking for a new place and getting the household ready for a move.  I am a big planner when it comes to moves and I am determined to simplify our things before then.  I have been ruthless in sorting our possessions and if we don't need it or love it....it goes! I actually have some ideas about some blogs I could do about the process I have been going through, so stay tuned.  I may be down, but I am not out.

Peace and love,
Debt Free Jen


  1. Oh Jen I am so sorry to hear your news. I had wondered where you had gone. Good for you for taking time for you to figure things out. I hope you can find a place that works for you and your child. Stay strong!

  2. Thank you, love. Appreciate your kindness. :-)
