Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Debt Elimination Success Stories

I just love reading about other's success at eliminating their debt.  It inspires me so much.  When I am feeling a little un-frugally (shhh-that's a word, right?) I refresh my motivation by reading success stories.  If only I could become a success story by osmosis.  Oh - how I would sleep with my head on my laptop.

Debt Elimination Stories
But Wait! There's More...
Awwww......now that is better.  Frugal spirit renewed! 

Stay Tuned For More Updates as I Find Them


  1. I love a good success story. Although the ones I read are more the weight loss type of ones. Unfortunately, I haven't had much luck with them working by osmosis. LOL. They do, however, provide me with the tools to keep the 'naughty me' in check, sometimes. I guess I need to read them more often.

  2. Lol....I love reading those success stories, too!
