Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Frugal Tuesday Tip - Cupcake Liners

I just love reading tips on being frugal.  Some, I think, are just pure genius. Others are so simple and practical that I wonder why I didn't think of them before. Over at Learning the Frugal Life folks get together every Tuesday to share their Frugal Tuesday Tip.  I thought this was a great idea!   There are 31, count 'em, THIRTY-ONE Weeks of posts!  I have so much reading ahead of me and I can't wait to dig in!  I think I will grab a tasty beverage, pull up a chair, and get to work.  But first, here is my Frugal Tuesday Tip.

Frugal Tuesday Tip
Towards the end of the school year I was amazed at the number of sandwich baggies I use for my son's lunch.  Even if I wanted to go as far as wash them and reuse them, there is no way little man would remember to bring them home.  He barely remembers to bring home the lunch box. Don't even get me started on how many hoodies he forgot to bring home last year.  Oh, don't you just love digging through the school lost and found to find your kid's clothes? 

Anyway......I started looking around at different containers or Bento Boxes to hold his stuff.  I did find one and was excited to use it.  Alas, little man had difficulty getting the lid snapped on and off.  Now the Bento is used for mommy's lunch. 

Then, I stumbled across a bunch of leftover cupcake liners in my pantry.  You know when you bake cupcakes for a party sometimes you have a few liners left over?  I had pink from my daughter's birthday two year's ago, red with white dots from last year's birthday, spider man from little man's birthday three years ago, scooby doo from 2 years ago.  You get the idea.  I took a square plastic Tupperware type container and decided to use the liners as little holders for different snacks.  The result?  My kid LOVES having little individual "containers" that have scooby, spider man, etc.  He won't let me use the pink ones, though. 

Here is little man's lunch for the first day of school:  strawberries, grapes, ham and cheese roll-us, cream cheese, carrots (he dips these in the cream cheese), and a cookie.

Just for kicks, here is mommy's lunch (and snacks) in the Bento box.

Bottom container:  grapes, ham and cheese roll-ups, sliced pluot (cross between a plum and an apricot)
Top container:  carrots with cream cheese, strawberries, walnuts.  I save some of this for an afternoon snack.

I love that I am not tossing the liners (WASTE!) or letting them stack up in the pantry after every party (CLUTTER!).  I mean, seriously, how many years was I planning to save these? I am so pleased with how they turned out.

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  1. Great tip! I am very happy to have you read and join our Frugal Tuesday Tip. http://juliecache.com

  2. Thanks Julie! I am looking forward to reading others tips and thanks for letting me tag along.

  3. Very clever, Jen. I have tons of these, too.
