Thursday, September 1, 2011

Aw Shucks! The Versatile Blogger!?!

Here I was feeling a wee bit insecure about my wee little baby blog, when I am bestowed the honor of the Versatile Blogger Award.  Aw shucks, now!  A big ol' thank you to my new friend, adventuresindinner.

After accepting the Versatile Blogger Award I am supposed to:

1) Thank the person who gave the award and link back to them in your post.
Thanks, adventuresindinner, you are too kind!

2) Share seven things about yourself.
  1. I had my first bambino at the ripe old age of 34 and my second just before my 38th birthday.
  2. I spent 39 1/2 years of my life thinking I didn't like science fiction.  Just within the last year I discovered I was mistaken.  Odd, but pleasant surprise.
  3. I love sleep.  I know everyone loves sleep. But I really, really love sleep.  There really is not much I would rather do than sleep.  Best part of the day?  The last two minutes before I fall asleep when I think about how I am about to be sleeping.  I know.  Sad, isn't it?!
  4. I lived in New Orleans for two years (pre-Katrina): celebrated Mardi Gras, went on swamp tours and fed alligators, hung out at Pat O'Briens until the sun came up, and was scared to death the first time we had a hurricane. Got me and kitty in the car as fast as I could and drove the heck out of town!
  5. I grew up in a big family and have a hard time scaling down any recipes I make.  Even now, cooking for just 4 never seems like it is enough food. We always have ridiculous leftovers.
  6. I moan about always getting "selected" to be the room mom, but secretly I get a little giddy.  It gives me another excuse to plan parties for the kids.
  7. Someday I dream of living in a tiny bungalow by the sea.  Wind in my hair, sand between my toes, frosty umbrella drink in one hand and a great book in the other. Oh, and sleep.  Lots of sleep.
3) Pass this award along to 10 recently discovered blogs.

With pleasure!

Coastal Charm


  1. Thank you for thinking of C.R.A.F.T. :) I really appreciate the award!

  2. Thanks so so much for the shout-out!!

  3. Thanks for the award! Love it. :)

